Know That I Love You
Название: Know That I Love You
Автор: EVDelacyПерсонажи: Tony/Loki
Рейтинг:< PG-13.
Дисклеймер: все права - авторам.
-Loki and Tony are in a very committed relationship.
-Loki finds out that since Tony is IronMan, it is slowly killing him. He is upset that Tony didn't tell him and it puts a HUGE rut in the relationship.
-Tony, remembers the old times when they were in love.
-Because of the constant fighting and the fact he knows he will die soon, Tony starts to fool around with Pepper at a party, but sees the pain on Loki's face and cannot go through with it.
-Tony tried to explain to Loki that he cannot stop doing IronMan because it is the only good thing he has and tells Loki that if he really loved him, he would not walk out. Loki still leaves and is very upset.
-Tony and Loki meet again and Tony hurls the fact that he doesn't believe Loki ever loved him in his face and Loki shouts back about the fact that he is sick of being lied to.
-Tony stresses his body too much, collapses and Loki is overcome with emotion and apologizes to Tony for everything as he dies.